A Great Fortune.com Article About Ayahuasca for Professional Development

If you are considering using psychedelic coaching as a tool for professional development, read this article.


It’s time to learn how ayahuasca is helping founders resolve some of their most challenging problems and up-level leadership presence.


Fortune.com just published a great article on this topic.


What makes it great is that the reporter actually took the time to interview 4 legit startup founders about the impact ayahuasca had on them.


You will hear from founders Dylan Dane of Scoopler, Dylan Beynon of Mindbloom, Jonathan de Potter of Behold Retreats, and yours truly. Yup, I talk about how my first ayahuasca retreat resolved my founder burnout.


As a result of my experience with ayahuasca, I started bringing groups of entrepreneurs to Peru for an ayahuasca retreat in 2012. The only mastermind program that includes an ayahuasca retreat in Peru, I got a lot of press. Fast Company sent a film crew to document one of our retreats. Check out the video below

Check out this 5-minute mini-documentary that Fast Company did about my ayahuasca mastermind program designed to accelerate leadership development.

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